My First Few Weeks at IPBio

My name is Matthew Dunlop and I came to IPBio as an assistant volunteer coordinator. My girlfriend, Morgane Holley, also came with me and she volunteered in the photography/movie-producing. This is us:
Our first few weeks in Iporanga have been action packed to say the least. Each passing day is remarkable in the sense that no particular day is quite like the last.
The work itself is both fun and rewarding. Morgane spends the bulk of her week filming and editing the other volunteers as they fulfill various tasks related to their roles. All of which is being compiled into a series of promotional videos. Check out Morgane´s volunteer video:
For more videos look though our playlists:

The reserve itself is on a 60-hectare plot of land adjacent to PETAR – a state park, and the largest, most well preserved region of the Atlantic forest. The Atlantic forest, unlike the Amazon, has been almost entirely logged and we are fortunate enough to be within the small region of primary forest that remains. The Brazilian government has laws in place to protect land surrounding state parks and does not allow any land within a 10km radius to be bought for the purpose of heavy industry or agriculture. As a result, what often happens is these surrounding zones are bought and turned into privately run reserves thus ensuring the law is upheld, hence how IPBio came to be. These reserve plots act as a kind of buffer protecting the state park from surrounding anthropized land. Studying and cataloging species within the reserve and others like it is of particular importance because we are able to get a much better idea of just how much human activity is affecting the wildlife. This is where the frogs come in. For being amphibians frogs are much more susceptible to environmental changes as they breathe through their skin and live on both land and in water. They are referred to as indicator species precisely for this reason. So to summarize and to change direction – at the risk of this post becoming an all out science lesson – the reserve catalogs frog species and populations to get a better idea of how the ecosystem as a whole is doing. Additionally, we do collect frogs when it is potentially a new species, which is more common than you may think as the Atlantic Forest is brimming with all kinds of life never previously identified. For example, just last week a new species of snake, the Cropan’s Boa, was rediscovered after only once being previously described in 1953!

Another focus of IPBio is research on bioluminescent mushrooms; those that through chemical processes create their own light and effectively glow in the dark. The research they are doing in this field is particularly illuminating, and has lead to many bright ideas in terms of real world implications. I’d love to shed more light on the subject, but in actuality the only real implications it has for us, the volunteers, is that midweek we embark on a night hike into the jungle in search of flashy fungi. I wish we could have captured some photos to really highlight how spectacular this hike is. At times, entire patches of forest floor glow an eerie green and the experience is really quite otherworldly. Unfortunately, as we are working in more or less total darkness in order to view the mushrooms, it really is difficult to document. If you’re interested in finding out just how incredible these mushrooms are check out the fungi section of IPBio’s website, here.
When the workweek ends the real fun begins. Each weekend we embark on some kind of awesome activity, but by far the most common is Boia Cross. This may sound intense, or maybe it doesn’t, I’m not really even sure myself, and actually even in practice I don’t know how you would classify this activity – I suppose you could call it a conditionally extreme sport? Basically it’s a form of glorified tubing wherein each person has their own olive shaped tube that you must use to navigate down a series of rivers ranging in difficulty and speed. Some sections are incredibly intense, with rapids, boulders, and large drop-offs. While others, and these are a favourite of Imran and I, are slow enough that you can comfortably sit with a case of beer in tow until you reach your destination.

This coming weekend we are celebrating Imran’s birthday and the following we plan on visiting a nearby beach town called CananĂ©ia. Lots more fun stuff to come so stayed tuned!
Written by: Matthew Dunlop, Volunteer from Canada
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