Life at IPBio and Visiting a Quilombo!

My name is Marta I came to IPBio all the way from the Canary Islands, in Spain to volunteer with the Tree Mapping and Inventory project. Coming to Brazil was a great experience and one that I will never forget. I have met the most incredible people on the journey and my stay at IPBio couldn’t be better, although it was only for two weeks, I managed to enjoy many aspects of Iporanga and the reserve itself; from the most adventurous to the most relaxing and breathtaking experiences. Even though Iporanga is a tiny village there was always something to do whether it was nature related or leisure wise, plus the locals are extremely friendly. I will always remember the nights we went out looking for bioluminescent mushrooms with Grant, the mushroom volunteer, at full dark during the night in the forest, or also the time that we encountered wild monkeys searching for fruit trees in the reserve, or the times we played football with the kids at the village and at the Quilombo school...